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newBookmarkLockedFalling Claiming Teross
Cyrano 3 173 by Rainstorm
Feb 18, 2007 10:19:16 GMT -5


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Board Description
Teross is a large island, able to hold as few as twelve packs with large amounts of territory and as many as twenty-nine with small amounts of territory. Teross is mostly sandy, with trees growing in clusters, some of which serve as protection for wolves, some as protection for their prey. With its incredibly large coastline, most packs live off of fish, and any that live completely inland off of prey like rabbits when found by an oasis. At least one source of water can be found in each pack. Sources of salt water on the coast are from both the Qualmis and Sortirre Seas. Nearby islands--and there are many--are Akhal, the Isthmus, Monther, Qisten, (parts of) Kalmerol, Orthrussen, Pagell, and Falintris. The area that is not near other islands dips into Teross, creating the Cape of Teross.
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